
Ice cream
This ice cream is one of those "fruit ice" with lemonade flavor and a hint of rosemary. One of my favorites :) This number of products designed for 10 cups with a capacity of 1 /4 stack.


  • Water

    1 cup

  • Sugar

    1 cup

  • Honey

    1 Tbsp

  • Rosemary

    2 piece

  • Lemon peel

  • Lemon juice

    1 cup


In a saucepan heat, stirring the water with the sugar until the sugar is dissolved. Then bring to a boil, reduce heat and add honey, zest, and rosemary and cook for a few minutes. Remove from heat and leave for at least 15 minutes to cool and infuse. Remove the rosemary, mix with lemon juice and pour into molds. Put in the freezer for 4 hours.
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