
Ice cream
Having decided to make ice cream with the addition of plums, I could not think that plum would be so well with creamy ice cream. This was another experiment with a good result! I invite you to treat yourself to creamy caramel ice cream with the addition of plum puree and plum interspersed pieces.


  • Drain

    500 g

  • Brown sugar

    130 g

  • Water

    300 ml

  • Cinnamon

    1 tsp

  • Cream

    500 ml

  • Brown sugar

    120 g

  • Yolk egg

    3 piece

  • Drain

    10 piece

  • Wafer rolls


For the plum puree: in a saucepan place the plums, cleaned of seeds, cane sugar TM Mistral, cinnamon and water. If the drain is frozen, water is needed less. Bring mixture to a boil and proverjaem on low heat until soft and plums until the sugar is dissolved. I it took 10 minutes.
The resulting mass wipe through a sieve.
I mashed it seemed thick enough, so I returned the pureed mixture into saucepan and evaporated the liquid, achieving a desired density. Got puree is fluid, the density is similar to baby food from the jar. Pour plum puree into a container, let cool first to room t, then refrigerate until cool.
For the basics of ice cream I took the brown candy sugar. Before did not know what kind of "beast". Bought by accident at the supermarket and didn't know where to apply. It turns out that dissolving the sugar gives a great caramel taste and color. Than I decided to use that would not lose the time to make caramel for ice cream. After all, the ice cream making process and so is quite long.
Prepare the custard: in a saucepan, pour 300 ml cream 20% fat. There lay candy sugar. heat the mixture over very low heat, stirring constantly, what would the sugar has time to dissolve in cream. Cream, heated until hot but do not boil.
In a separate saucepan, RUB the yolks. Stirring constantly, pour egg yolks to the hot caramel cream. If a speck of sugar is not dissolved during heating, the cream does not matter. All will dissolve while preparing the custard. And so, cream and yolk mixture put on a small fire and, stirring constantly, bring to thickening.
Ready custard, stirring constantly, quickly cooled to room t, putting the bowl of cream in the icy water. Then put the cream in a container, shots the surface of the cream with cling film that had not formed a crust. A container of cream put into the fridge until cool.
200 ml of cold cream 38% fat, beat with a mixer until soft peaks form.
Add whipped cream to the cooled custard and mix all the mixer on low speed until blended. Base for ice cream ready.
Then put the plum puree. Once all the resulting puree to add I did not dare. Start with 100 ml. again mix the mass with a mixer on low speed until smooth.
The ice cream maker I have, so then ice cream will do "manually". Remove the mixture in the freezer in the bowl, convenient for further repeated whisking and mixing by tightening the film.
The first 2 hours of freezing every 15-20 minutes to get a bowl of ice cream and stir with mixer on low speed. After 2 hours, the mixture thickens enough in order to add the filling: drain 10 five pieces, remove seeds and peel, finely cut and smeshaem spoon in ice cream. More mixer I didn't need it, I stirred the ice cream with a spoon. Remove the dishes with ice cream in the freezer for 1 hour. In an hour again stir with spoon, breaking up formed clots.
In the last mixing in ice cream, you can add more plum puree, making cute streaks! I added another 100 ml of puree. Remove ice cream in the freezer for several hours or overnight to fully freeze.
Before serving, put the container with ice cream from the freezer to the fridge for 20 minutes.
Serve ice cream in kremanki, watering from the top small amount of the remaining plum puree.. serve ice cream wafer rolls.
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