
Candied watermelon peels
For those who love sweets, offer such tuketici. You can use them to decorate cakes, and so easy to eat.


  • Watermelon

    1.2 kg

  • Sugar

    800 g

  • Water

    400 ml

  • Lemon juice

  • Vanilla


For preparation of candied fruits we need to take the light green part of the watermelon and remove the green skin and pulp. I'm not really turned out well,because the watermelon was tonkoshkura. Take our peel and cut into cubes or strips(does not matter). Cut peel in boiling water and boil it until tender(it took me about 10 minutes). The main thing - do not overcook.
Have proverila and recline in a colander to drain the water. The water itself pour, she does not need us.
Until brown drain the water and cook sugar syrup. Once the syrup is boiling, drop our crust from the colander. Bring to a boil and proverjaem 10 minutes. Turn off and leave to cool. I usually left until the evening or until morning. This procedure should be repeated up to 4 times (the crust should become transparent). At the very end(when the last cooking), add the lemon juice( to add PL to the taste, I squeezed right from the lemon into the pan, I took a whole lemon) and vanilla (on the tip of a knife, but this is also optional). To withstand between cooking for a long time do not have. You can, once cool, boil again.
Cooked crust, spread on a colander, to stack syrup.
After brown roll in sugar and place on a baking sheet(cover paper). I they were dry( I guess it wouldn't hurt) for a week. After the shift of the candies in the jar.
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