
Making pancakes on kefir
Another variant on the theme pancakes (I found on the Internet a long time ago and has become one of my favorite recipes)+ bonus "Mint syrup". Thanks scullion Olga Ka for their support and Council to move the recipe from the diaries.


  • Yogurt

    220 ml

  • Flour

    1 cup

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Salt

    1 piece

  • Sugar

    1 kg

  • Vegetable oil

    3 Tbsp

  • Soda

    0.5 tsp

  • Leavening agent

    1 tsp

  • Mint

    1 kg

  • Water

    250 ml


Kefir heat to become a little warm.
Add in yogurt, egg, salt, sugar, vegetable oil and whip until smooth.
Mix flour with soda and baking powder.
In kefir mass, gradually add the flour, vimosewa, to avoid lumps.
Here is we get dough like thick cream, bubbly, it is like breathing.
On a dry, preheated pancake pan put a spoon our dough. Bake pancake over medium heat on both sides until fully cooked.
And now the bonus - Mint syrup. To prepare mint syrup 250 ml of water and 1 kg of sugar boil the syrup, then add to boiling syrup of 1 kg of washed and coarsely chopped mint (I put whole leaves), boil for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat, cover and infuse for 1 hour. Once the syrup has infused, strain it, pour into clean, dry jars, seal and store in the refrigerator. Use this syrup like jam for tea, in cocktails and lemonade, mint latte, as PROPARCO for biscuits, in sauces and as an addition to pancakes-oladushki.
We tried the mint syrup along with pancake, very tasty... Bon appetit!
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