
Candied cherry
We now have, just, time different berries. We bought cherries, I froze and the rest decided to do something. Compotes, jams, and so I don't eat. Naturally, I climbed in the Internet and found several recipes bookmarked in a memory, of candied cherry. I liked only one, so I made it and I offer it, and who can use it. Process of course takes a little time, but it is not time consuming. This icing in cakes put the cakes to decorate, just to eat.


  • Cherry

    1 kg

  • Sugar

    500 g

  • Water

    100 g


Take 1kg of cherries.
Cherry detachable from the bone, and with sugar and water make syrup (bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. You can boil it a few minutes so the sugar is dissolved.)
Now pour our cherry syrup(I poured directly hot),stir them and leave for 6-7 hours.
After you put the bowl on fire and proverjaem 20 minutes(after putting on fire)and again set aside for 6-7 hours. After this time, repeat the procedure (i.e. again proverjaem 20 minutes). That's a total double boiling.
After the second provarivanija immediately recline on a colander to drain the syrup.
Here our cherries drained, put them in a plate and sprinkle with(or dip them)in sugar. Sugar I took the "by eye".
Spread on a baking tray on baking paper(one layer) and leave to dry at room temperature for 6-7 days.
Here is the cherry after 7 days of drying.Then you can a little bit dry, I probably will, but you can put them in a clean, dry jar and store in the fridge.
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