
Beans stewed with garlic and tomatoes
The tale of how the cook saved the Kingdom...


  • Chicken fillet

    1 piece

  • Olive oil

  • Onion

    2 piece

  • Garlic

    4 tooth

  • Tomato

    400 g

  • Dry white wine

    0.5 cup

  • Tomato paste

    3 Tbsp

  • Honey

    2 tsp

  • Vinegar

    1 Tbsp

  • Beans

    150 g

  • Salt

  • Parsley

    1 coup


In a way, in a state lived a horned and winged fire-breathing dragon. In the Royal castle once a week flew and maids were kidnapped... But one day, passing by the Royal kitchen smelled of cooked beans, Oh, how he loved them!!! There's a local cook was preparing lunch for the king, and from the kitchen gave off such a delicious smell that the dragon stuck his head out the window and began to watch the cook. The cook saw the dragon scared and said: - dragon, don't kidnap our me, I'm delicious lunch is provided!!!
Took cook for lunch: soaked beans and boiled until tender.
Over high heat, in olive oil roasted chicken fillet diced. Added onion and garlic. Fried 4-5 minutes.
The dragon, help! Tomatoes knead! And I'll put it in the frying pan to the onions...
There also will add wine, tomato paste and let to writing a rolling boil for 5 minutes.
Then honey and vinegar.
Tired dragon in the belly: - When will ready??? - Coming soon! Be patient a bit longer... put the mixture in a heatproof dish, added cooked beans, salt and pepper, and put out 180град. 30 minutes.
Wait quite a bit, now I put greens!!! -Well, dragon, everything is ready, invite You to the table!!!
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