
Hot salad with lentils
Lentil is one of the few products of our diet (along with peas and cereals), which, our body and our digestive system is adapted genetically. The process is complete adaptation takes centuries. Dishes and products made from lentils, has almost everything that our bodies need. Fruits lentils, more than a third consist of protein. According to its nutritional qualities, lentil protein is not inferior to meat protein. Besides, it is much easier absorbed by our body and does not have the fat components that accompany meat protein. The composition of protein include lentils, essential for our body, amino acids (e.g., lecithin). Dishes of lentils, are our providers of essential vitamins and minerals that are fully absorbed. The content of iron, for example, she is no equal. Lentils, one very valuable property. It does not accumulate any harmful or toxic elements (nitrates, radionuclides, etc.). Because of this, the lentils grown in any part of the globe, can be considered an environmentally friendly product. Medicinal properties of lentils has been known since antiquity. Based on lentil grain prepared European doctors "Arabian tonic", which was considered a panacea. Consumption of dishes of lentils good for your heart and is necessary for hematopoiesis. The introduction in the diet of lentil salads, lentil soups and cereals, helps to normalize blood sugar levels, patients with diabetes mellitus. Puree of lentils, useful in diseases of the digestive system (colitis, ulcers, etc.). Dishes of lentils will make your diet more varied and useful. Love this product is created by nature to ensure that we were healthy and vigorous until late age. Dishes of lentils is a gentle refined taste and benefits to our body. Bon appetit and stay healthy.


  • Lentils

    1 cup

  • Broccoli

    250 g

  • Feta

    100 g

  • Olive oil

    50 ml

  • Honey

    5 ml

  • Vinegar

    6.5 ml

  • Green onions

    1 coup

  • Cardamom

    2 piece

  • Bay leaf

    2 piece

  • Salt

  • Chili

    1 piece


Rinse and sort the lentils. Pour a lot of water, put the Bay leaf, cardamom and bring to a boil. Cook without lid until soft.
Prepare the filling. Cut in half struck spicy chili pepper, remove seeds, finely chop and mix with olive oil, vinegar, honey. Slice the green onion and add it to the gas station.
Divide broccoli into small florets. 3 minutes until cooked add the cabbage to the lentils. Cover and cook until the lentils and Kale are tender.
Fold the mixture in with the lentils, remove the Bay leaf and cardamom. Add salt and pepper to taste. Porite cheese cubes and add to salad along with dressing. Serve the salad hot. BON APPETIT!
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