
Chocolate toffee
Recipe borrowed from Regina Stroner. Toffee came out very tasty!


  • Brown sugar

    200 g

  • Cream

    250 g

  • Dark chocolate

    100 g


Heat cream, add chocolate, mix well. When chocolate is dissolved, add sugar, stir, to give the mass to boil and reduce the heat. Cook 25 minutes, preferably in a nonstick saucepan, stirring with a spoon to toffee does not burn. To do the test for the ball to pour water into the Cup and drip mix, if You get the ball ready, remove from the heat, if not, cook further.
Ice cube trays or candy well lubricated with vegetable oil odourless, spread the resulting mass with a spoon.
Toffee to cool, then put into the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Bon appetit!
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