I bought carp and thought, I'm not going to fry the slices, and baked in the oven whole. Yes, and threw him in the company of potatoes, carrots, onions and peppers. But the secret is that the fish I first prosolia, then pickled in a mixture of mustard with olive oil and then sent to the oven. It turned out very nice. Look, maybe you'll like it. In the photo a piece of carp may not be very attractive, but the taste is much better, believe me! Impregnated with a mixture and flavor of the vegetables soft and juicy fish with a crispy crust!
1 piece
6 piece
1 piece
1 piece
1 piece
2 Tbsp
3 Tbsp
2 Tbsp
In this recipe I have no photos on preparatory operations, realized it too late, so it is what it is, but I think that without a photo will be clear. So. The fish is cleaned, wash. RUB coarse salt on the outside and inside. Leave proclivities for 8-10 hours. Then rinse all the salt water under the tap. Dry with a paper towel or napkin. Mix mustard and butter (oil can take a little more) and hand apply the mixture on the fish on all sides and inside, put in a baking tray and leave for 0,5-1 hours. for impregnation. Part of the mix to leave the potatoes. While the fish is soaked, we will clean and cut the vegetables. Potatoes and carrots I cut pieces and slices. Onion - half rings, pepper strips. Soaked the fish stacked in an ovenproof baking form, greased with vegetable oil, I heat-resistant glass form. Coat the potatoes with the remaining salt, carrots, onion and pepper lay inside the fish and spread the potatoes around and on top of it.
Preheat the oven to 180 degree temperature in the "grill" and place it in the baking form with fish and vegetables. Bake for 30-40 minutes until Golden brown first one side, then flip and bake the other side.
And now, finally, our carp scented vegetables and crispy crust is ready, remove the pan from the oven,
Put the fish on a tray or large platter, cut into pieces and eat, enjoying the juicy, soft meat fish and roasted vegetables. Just be careful with the bones!
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