
Plum ice-cream
Ice cream I make at home, is divided into ice cream with the addition of eggs and no chicken. These are categorized as "no". Sometimes my wife calls them "health". Let me explain: in our eldest has not always had a desire to go to the toilet, he does not like plums, but they help in a natural way. So was born the ice cream tasty and tender, just useful. Help yourself to health.


  • Drain

    1 kg

  • Cream

    500 ml

  • Milk

    125 ml

  • Sugar

    120 g

  • Lemon juice


Our ingredients are.
Plum cut in half, remove pits and put in a high-temperature form (as in the photo). Bake at 180*C for about 25 minutes, if well ripened, and in some cases baked to 40 minutes. Should be well browned and let the juice.
Propertiesa plum punch blender and passed through a sieve.
Milk, cream and sugar put in a saucepan and heat until the sugar is dissolved (do not boil).
To the plum puree, add fresh juice of one lemon.
Add hot cream, punch blender and zamatyvaem in plastic wrap. Allow to cool and put into the fridge for 12 hours.
After the time punched out by a blender and put into the freezer for 30 minutes - so punched three more times. And decompose shapes.
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