
Ginger-grapefruit ice cream + an iced coffee
Ice cream turns out very juicy and flavorful. Spicy notes of ginger, the sweetness of honey and the zest of grapefruit is doing their job. Buds rejoice! ;) And if you add that ice cream to coffee, we get delicious, well-known of iced coffee with a very interesting taste.


  • Cream

    300 g

  • Chicken egg

    2 piece

  • Sugar

    50 g

  • Ginger

    0.5 piece

  • Honey

    1 tsp

  • Salt

    1 pinch

  • Juice

    100 ml

  • Coffee natural

    1 tsp


Separate the whites from the yolks.
Pour the cream into a bowl and whisk well.
Separately beat the egg yolks with the sugar and the whites with the salt.
Mode ginger pieces and grind in a blender. Pour the juice into a Cup, cake zamatyvaem in cheesecloth and squeeze well the rest of the juice. Add the honey. (You can use a previously prepared blanks of ginger "candy" - ipes/show/80282 I thawed and also through cheesecloth squeezed juice).
Pour in everyone's Cup of yolks, whites and grapefruit juice. There is already ginger juice and honey. Whisk. Gradually add the whipped cream, still whisking.
Pour a lot molds. I have my favorite universal molds and newly acquired sweets bowls in the form of berries.
Here is the ice cream turns out in the end. Maybe it looks not so profitable, but it is insanely delicious!
Brew coffee (I have a natural in Turku). 1 tsp coffee put in Turku, pour 150 ml of water, put on the stove. Tantalized, and as soon as begins to form foam, switch off immediately. Boil not be! Add a tablespoon of ice cream and enjoy.
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