
Friends, I present to you your favorite muffin recipe. This zucchini fritters, but not With zucchini. Zucchini is the main ingredient! I never came to post on the Pillsbury recipe squash fritter. I was absolutely sure that here they are a couple hundred variants. But in the process of studying recipes squash cake it turned out that the recipes, although available, are the recipes for pancakes with a small addition in the form of zucchini. Noooo, my recipe isn't much squash – a little test. Rather go to the tasting.


  • Zucchini

    4 piece

  • Salt

    1.5 tsp

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Yogurt

    250 g

  • Flour

    5 Tbsp

  • Soda

    0.5 tsp

  • Vegetable oil

    5 Tbsp


A portion of the test, from which get 25-30 pancakes, you need 1.2 – 1.3 kg peeled onions, four zucchini medium size. From the country to me usually arrive polukilogrammovy tabacconist, so the case is 3 pieces. Do everything that grew: zucchini, squash, zucchini. Zucchini clean, grate. Sprinkle with salt, stir, leave for 5 minutes, stir again (it will appear a lot of juice), and again leave it for 5 minutes.. the Amount of salt strictly verified empirically, 1.5 tsp. Extra salt will go together with the juice. Zucchini recline on a sieve. Let drain until then, until the juice is allocated 2 hours. We obtain a dense mass, which, if necessary, can fine to stand in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 1 - 2 days waiting for the moment when we want pancakes.
For the test best suits yogurt, preferably fat content of 3.2%. I have tried yogurt, and yogurt, and bifilayf – all that was available in the fridge. No, yogurt is best. Egg and yogurt out of the fridge for at least 10 minutes before cooking to warm. If the zucchini rest in the fridge in a semi-finished product, also get in advance. Egg lightly whisk, just to mix the whites with the yolks, add the yogurt. Add 4 tbsp flour, stir until smooth and leave for 10 minutes. With the permission of the audience, is very long and tedious retreat for aspiring chefs about flour and dough. I, oddly enough, have never wrote, and then just the topic. When kneading the dough for pancakes and crepes definitely a little bit warm products, because flour absorbs bad cold moisture. For the same reason (for absorption) it is necessary to leave the dough for at least 10 minutes. After a time of rest you will immediately see that the dough was a little thicker – it's swollen flour, and the pancakes/fritters will not tear and fall apart in the pan. Iiiiii favorite theme of all beginners – the amount of flour) ever, that the recipe put 1 Cup of flour, the dough should get a cupcake, and you got the dough for rolling out cookies? Or, conversely, should be a cupcake, but it is best on pancakes good? This is not necessarily the author or the recipe is bad. Perhaps you bought too dry or too wet the flour. I'm not lazy, got the folio "Cooking" 1955 ed. On page 722 says: "... the amount of liquid... for the test can range from 45 to 55% by weight of flour." I.e., fluctuations within 10% is the accepted norm. And humidity is the simplest reason is impossible to establish the exact amount of flour for the recipe. The ability of the flour to swell, tying the fluid is the ability to swell contained proteins gliadin and glutenin. Mysterious and constantly used the word gluten is the sticky, viscous mass, which they form during the swelling. And the gluten in the flour can be 15% and 40%. Properties of flour depend on the variety of wheat, the weather, the conditions of grain storage, the storage conditions of the flour. Grain can be sprouted or out frozen old. Flour can be freshly ground) And full baking quality flour acquires after aging for approximately 30 days. Etc., etc. the Result of all this scribbling without the slightest sign of trouble, use flour as needed. First, take a little less than you need for the recipe, and then, if you see that must – add. This applies to the dough for pancakes, fritters, and yeast dumpling dough. In confectionery flour does not play such a significant role, there it is – just one of many components.
Back to the pancakes. Who have not forgotten, we cook pumpkin fritters. Put to heat up the pan, pouring the oil. The remaining 1 tbsp of flour mix with baking soda, add to the dough, working with a whisk, try to determine whether you have enough flour. The dough should remain liquid, but the Corolla remains such that the stripes disappear immediately.
In the finished dough add stecchi zucchini.
Stir and immediately start to fry.
With a spoon put small pancakes, slightly even out the layer of dough was not thick. Fry on medium heat so the pancakes were raw on the inside.
These remarkable holes) by the Way, about oil. Or rather, the bottle of oil, which as we all know, is pretty quickly covered with butter on the outside. A couple of months ago the valve on the neck of the new bottle to escape wouldn't. Gets in the ring with a tiny piece of plastic. So he was found out) Through a small hole the oil is poured slowly and poured outside. So I am now on the valve, make a tiny cut is made crosswise, and what you want.
Those who have liver severe and intractable, the finished pancakes spread on a paper towel. The rest do not bother.
Pancakes turn out very tender and juicy. In the summer we have these pancakes serve as the bread and garnish. If a few pieces remain, warmed in the microwave on the second day it is edible. Bon appetit! The song is called "summer dinner")))
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