A bonus to my meatless salad dressing. Versatile dressing is great as a regular dressing for herring, and herring salad is difficult to imagine anything else in return. Mayonnaise, good-bye! Rich and elegant salad for meatless holiday table.
160 g
100 g
1 piece
300 g
1 Tbsp
100 g
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Potatoes peel and cut into thin slices. Fry in vegetable oil, lay on paper towel to remove excess fat.
Pepper peel and cut into thin strips.
Green beans thawed and lightly blanch in hot water. Sure that it has not lost its color.
Serve in batches, separately in a gravy boat serves gravy, cooked according to the recipe http://www.povarenok .ru/recipes/show/118 045/.
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