
A croquembouche with caramel threads
Croquembouche - traditional French wedding cake. Represents a tower of profiteroles. Decoration and filling can be any flavor. Yes, the competition is already involved elegant croquembouche, but don't offer your own I can't. Here's why. With my husband on our anniversary this year, had planned to bake this cake long before the competition. The choice fell on the traditional French cake, because Paris for us is much more than just the "city of lovers". So, I offer you my croquembouche!


  • Chicken egg

    3 piece

  • Water

    1 cup

  • Flour

    1 cup

  • Butter

    350 g

  • Marshmallows

    6 piece

  • Dark chocolate

    100 g

  • Milk

    3 Tbsp

  • White chocolate

    100 g

  • Sugar

    0.5 cup

  • Salt

    1 pinch


First bake profiteroles choux pastry. To do this you must melt the butter in a water bath by adding 1 Cup water and a pinch of salt. As soon as the butter comes to a boil, add the flour, stirring constantly.
Brew the flour for a few minutes. The dough should fall from the walls and gather in a single lump. Remove from water bath and continue stirring for another five minutes. During this time the dough has cooled to the desired temperature so the eggs don't curdle.
The dough beat eggs one at a time, each time vimosewa until smooth. Finally, we obtain a smooth dough that is well behind the walls.
Dessert spoon (about 2/3 tablespoons) put "lumps" of dough on a greased baking sheet. The distance between the profiteroles should be sufficient, as they will increase in size. Sent in a preheated 200ºС the oven, after 10 minutes diminish to 180 ° C and bake for another 20 minutes the Oven during baking can not be opened - will settle!
While puffs bake, prepare the cream. My choice fell on the marshmallow cream. 6 double mini marshmallows heat in microwave for about 30-60 seconds. During this time the marshmallows will swell up and become soft.
Whipped marshmallow, adding the oil in small portions. When half the oil is added, put the bowl in cold water and continue whisking, gradually adding remaining oil. Whisk until smooth. It turns out thick shiny cream. During solidification keeps the shape.
Meanwhile, our profiteroles arrived. Get them out of the oven, spread on a dish - let cool. When profiteroles are cool, proceed with filling them with cream. This can be done using a pastry syringe or notching on one side.
Prepare the glaze. In a water bath to melt the tiles of dark chocolate (100 g) and 50 g. of butter, adding 2 tbsp of milk (you can substitute cream). The icing is ready when all the chocolate has melted and no grains.
Now attach to our cake form put a tower of profiteroles. Every profiterole dip halfway into the glaze and spread on a dish in a circle (center circle is not filled). First, choose the larger stuff. The next "floor" do a little bit already. And so while the top will be 1 profitrally. I was down 8 stuff, and the floors turned 5. If You filled the cream puffs, making an incision, then you first need to dip the cut (or will).
The turret can be put in the fridge while we prepare the next stage. Melt the white chocolate in a water bath with the addition of 1 tbsp of milk. Pour a croquembouche and white chocolate for contrast. And again, you can put it in the refrigerator until cook the caramel.
Start cooking the caramel. First, prepare the place for future work table lay a parchment paper or foil, to prepare a fork and a skewer, next to put a bowl of cold water, in which fit the saucepan with the caramel. In a saucepan with a thick bottom or skillet, melt granulated sugar (1/2 Cup.) water (2 tbsp) over medium heat, stirring occasionally. The sugar should dissolve before boiling. After boiling, it is impossible to interfere with. Cook the caramel to amber color. Remove the sample - place the caramel in cold water should form a ball if a drop flowed, caramel isn't ready yet.
The caramel hardens quickly to work with it quickly, that's why the preparations I described in the previous step. So, the caramel is ready - put the saucepan in cold water. In one hand take a fork in the other skewer. Fork check the caramel: dip and pull. Once the caramel to cool (this happens quickly), she begins to drag. Dip a fork into the caramel and quickly begin to drive over the skewer left and right. Caramel, flowing down, forming a filament, which quickly freeze.
Then with skewers hand gently remove these threads and turning them into a ball or an abstract figure. By the way, the drops that drip during cooking process on the table, easily peeled off the foil, they can also decorate the cake.
In the cooking process, I realized that the lighter filament wound directly onto the cake. Dip a fork into the caramel, pulling and winding in a random order. The further you pull, the thinner the thread.
Also caramel can be cast any figure. Here is a heart I've got (here still without the strings).
The view from the top
Bon appetit! Enjoy!
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