This dish consists of salad and appetizers that complement each other, creating a single Christmas song. Enjoy this masterpiece of their children, say that they like! And a salad of salted salmon all loved ones will like! In my recipe I tell you how to pickle salmon to this salad.
300 g
2 Tbsp
2.5 Tbsp
1 Tbsp
0.5 cup
3 piece
5 piece
1 can
1 can
1 can
1 pack
2 piece
1 slice
1 piece
1 coup
1 coup
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
If You use ready salted red fish, start cooking with step # 5. Salmon are cleaned from the skin, remove bones. The resulting fish fillet cut crosswise plates with a thickness of 0.5 cm.
Slices RUB the fish with salt and sugar. Put in a bowl.
Mix sunflower oil with soy sauce.
Fill the fish with oil and sauce. Remove the fish in the fridge for 10 hours.
Sliced salted salmon cubes or strips (as you like).
Boil the potatoes and cut it into strips.
Cut the cucumber into strips.
Mix all ingredients and add chopped parsley.
Add the mayonnaise with soy sauce and mix thoroughly.
Put the dish with the dill and put our salad in the form of a snake.
Cut the olives in rings and begin to decorate our snake, starting from the head.
Round all the snake olives.
Decorate the snake with the crown of the carrot and the language of red pepper.
Go to snack "Santa Claus": Cut the pepper stem and seeds, put the pepper next to the salad.
On top of the pepper attached with skewers sheet of Chinese cabbage and cloves make the eyes, nose and mouth.
Go to the tree. Foot for Christmas trees will serve half of an Apple, which pierce with a skewer.
Strung on a skewer cucumber slices.
Completes the Christmas tree star out of carrots.
Go to the snowman. Make it from boiled eggs, where the stability is slightly clipped at the top. Put eggs on top of each other and pierce with a skewer eggs. The spout being made of carrots, eyes and a nose of cloves.
The final touch of our composition - the hat of snowman that we do of carrots. Our Christmas meal is ready! Bon appetit and happy New year!
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