
Czech pancakes with hot wild berries
These pancakes we tried last year. when I was in Karlovy vary in the cozy restaurant "Small Versailles". The impression received from them is so huge that repeated them at home and on holidays or for Breakfast instead of the traditional birthday cake. Try this divine, magical dessert!


  • Water

    0.5 cup

  • Flour

    2 cup

  • Berry

    300 g

  • Salt

    0.5 tsp

  • Leavening agent

    1 pack

  • Vanilla sugar

    1 pack

  • Sugar

  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Yogurt

    100 ml

  • Milk

    200 ml

  • Cream

    200 ml

  • Vegetable oil

    3 Tbsp


Mix all ingredients for the dough. Milk+yogurt (yogurt can replace sour cream), egg, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, flour (my glass -230ml). All stir thoroughly, then add the sachet of baking powder, mix it with the dough very quickly and more dough do not touch. Let stand for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile razogrevaem our Pancasila. I have here a wonderful. The most simple. There are skovorodochki baking pancakes, or just the pan, if there is no such special. First time sasvim a little vegetable oil and spread in a spoon of dough. The dough do not stir more otherwise all the bubbles from the baking powder to collapse and will not be able to help such a beautiful structure in pancakes. Straighten the dough to the desired size. I'm doing a special stick. You can just tablespoon.
Toasted on one side Browns, turn and Topcem on the other side. More a skillet with oil not grease.
While frying the pancakes, take a mixture of frozen forest berries. The perfect mixture for the preparation of this dessert.
Pour into a saucepan. Add half a Cup of sugar and a third Cup of water. Put on slow fire, bring to a boil and boil on low heat for 5-7 minutes.
Get this great sauce.
While hot berry sauce. Finish bake cakes. And whipped sweet cream 32%. I have it literally takes 2 minutes. You can do the ones that are sold in your stores. Surely You churned the cream more than once. Choose those cream that seem so tasty. They can be fatter, or Vice versa, easy. But for this recipe - perfect cream these. They are already sweet in the package and it only remains to beat. And out, as clouds, light, delicate, slightly sweet.
Here is our result! Spread on a plate of pancakes, pour the hot berry sauce and round clouds of whipped cream. Only this trio creates a perfect flavor!
And a bit of the atmosphere of the Czech Republic: This is the entrance to the restaurant is a Small Versailles.
These are the pancakes that we tried there.
The architecture of Karlovy vary!
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