Easy layered salad and a delicious sauce. Tuna can be replaced with any fish and not necessarily canned.
1 piece
0.5 can
1 piece
3 piece
70 g
1 Tbsp
1 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Two pickled cucumbers cut into polukruzhochkami. I use cucumbers TM "6 acres", they have a low content of vinegar.
Boiled squirrels and grate the cheese on a medium grater.
Boiled carrots to RUB on average grater.
For the sauce mix the boiled yolk, sour cream and mustard.
In a sundae dish/glass/bowl to put protein.
On top of the tuna and the sauce.
Then pickles. All the layers a bit pressed.
On top of the carrots and the sauce.
The last layer of cheese. Not to trample.
Garnish with cucumber, sliced into four pieces.
Can be served! Bon appetit!
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