
Coffee Lime
Oh, coffee you love... And although you drink in a day only 1 to 2 cups, still without it can not. Never skimp on coffee - buy a good grade of Arabica, but it still want variety... you Get to all sorts of impossible combinations (I'll tell you how the Union drinking coffee "Sovetski"); it happens that the taste is additionally so ennobled from the added ingredients that it seems some kind of new drink you consume...


  • Coffee natural

    1 tsp

  • The lime zest

    0.5 tsp

  • Lemon juice

    1 tsp

  • Water

    200 ml

  • Sugar


It is best to use freshly ground coffee - 1 scoop per 200 ml of boiling water. Boiling water is a bit cool and brew in kopanice - my company "Bodum". Who loves cooking Turkish in Turk.
Coffee add dry ground lime zest - 1/2 coffee spoon (the ingredients are listed, that the tea, as there is no other suitable measures, but can be 1/2 teaspoon, if you like the flavor!).
And third, the final stage - coffee infused or brewed, poured into cups and add lime juice and sugar to TASTE! I have a lime syrup: I made it once, when managed to very cheaply buy a bunch of limes and I had to use them. I cut limes into slices and poured the sugar until formed juice. The syrup was otsudila and lime slices dried in the oven...
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