Very unusual, light fish salad. Which will not take much of your time and will appreciate the unusual taste. For true gourmets.
200 g
50 g
1 coup
1 piece
1 piece
1 piece
100 ml
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
These products you will need for the salad.
Separate the fish from the bones and dismantle into pieces.
Add in the fish mayonnaise and black pepper. I have coarse. (I am more like)
The next layer of grated on a coarse grater lubricated with mayonnaise and an Apple.
Then layer the green onions.
Lightly grease it with mayonnaise.
Then a layer of finely chopped and smeared with mayonnaise of tomato.
Then a layer of greens (parsley+dill)
Then a layer of shredded cucumbers.
Grease the cucumber with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.
The final touch-crackers. For them to take a slice of bread and toast it in the toaster or oven until Golden brown. And natiraem it with two sides of garlic.
Cut into cubes and sprinkle with their salad. Decorate according to your taste and served to the table. Bon appetit.
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