This recipe I use already for a long time! I like to bake cakes, I make them a lot! And a lot of ringing...
2 kg
3 cup
12 piece
600 g
3 cup
80 g
0.5 l
300 g
100 g
2 pack
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Cooked foods three glasses of warm milk dissolve the yeast, add 8 cups of flour and knead the dough.
Then separate the whites from the yolks. Yolks erased to white, added salt, sugar, melted butter and margarine, the egg whites whipped to a froth...mix it up! Sprinkle with flour, cover and leave overnight, protected from drafts place.
In the morning add the rest of the flour, vanilla (mixed c sugar). The dough cover and leave with a warm place to rise.
After the dough has risen, add the raisins, candied fruit. Mix and put into forms.
For more lush cake form you need to fill 1/3 of the height, for a more dense to 1/2 of the height. Forms to prepare so: a bottom cover with a circle of white oiled from both sides of the paper, the sides with butter. Completed test forms to put in a warm place and cover with a towel! When the dough rises 3/4 of the height of the form, brush the top with beaten egg and place in the oven for 50-60 minutes... To the top of the cake is not burnt, after he flushed, it is necessary to cover with its circle of paper moistened with water. The willingness of the cake to determine sticking in it a thin splinter: splinter long if dry - cake is ready! But if the splinter is dough - cake raw. After cooling the cake covered with frosting.
Bright "Easter Sunday" – a Warm celebration of joy, kindness. Laughter, smiles and fun Surrounded by the morning. Eggs, Easter cakes with raisins, Easter, vanilla Flavor over the table. Orthodox holiday of peace, happiness With a good word comes to us in the house. That "Christ is Risen" – everyone knows. Kiss, hugs with warmth. Every year in spring the sky gives the feast of the Passover, a righteous, Holy.
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