Fast and the preparation and consumption of salad for lunch and dinner. Airy, pleasant to the taste my Husband loves. And I podskali idea - can as a snack on toast
1 can
4 piece
6 piece
3 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
I took the lowest, the addition of oil was crushed with a fork. Pre-boiled 4 eggs, potato, onion cleaned and prepared for grinding. Greens
Onion about this size - 6 pieces
Onion shredded in a blender, added Sayre, mixed
4 boiled eggs, cleaned, rubbed in a dish, stir
More... Cleaned and boiled potatoes rubbed in the dish. Mixed.
Salt, add the greens and mayonnaise at every meal. BON APPETIT!
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