
Diet food for children with allergies... in the image of the beloved boy.


  • Breast of Turkey

    200 g

  • Onion

  • Potatoes

  • Carrots

  • Olive oil

  • Green peas

    2 Tbsp

  • Water

  • Cauliflower

    5 piece

  • Spices


For cakes (10 small): 150-200 grams of Turkey breast, 0.5 onion, 1 small potato, 0,5 small carrots 2 tbsp olive oil for frying Patties: All the ingredients mince, salt, pepper a little white ground pepper, form patties (wet hands). Fast fry (0.5-1 min) 2 tbsp olive oil, remove. PREPARE SAUCE: 1 large carrot, 1 onion, 1 tbsp olive oil, sugar, salt, water, 2 tbsp green peas (frozen), several inflorescence of cauliflower (frozen) In a saucepan spasserovat chopped onion in 1 tbsp olive oil, adding a pinch of sugar. For the fried onions to put the meatballs, pour boiled cold water (water to just cover them), add grated on a fine grater carrots, green peas, cauliflower, salt. Stew under the closed lid for 10 min. Spread on a plate.
If we are served with a side dish, you can bake potatoes, cut in half and oiled with olive oil. Of the ingredients of the sauce puts this boy, adding handles from pieces of yellow paprika
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