
Roast leg of ROE deer with a bean side dish
"Punks not dead". Punk rock.. mm.. What is the first? Dirty, unwashed, unshaven guys with a Mohawk on his head, in chains and torn garments, spitting all down and screaming in their behavior: "We are against!" Against all of life's red tape. Punk sidestep how hard it is sick and contagious animal sideways glances and whispering behind my back.. But to be punk you don't have to be a dirty beast with unpeeled teeth. Let me fend off a line from a song of a Russian punk, which in the soul is such, but not screaming the whole Ivanovo on their intentions. "All that is wrong and I will now give you a small educational program - I'm short, not snotty, pass all the norms of SES, differ From you like from La in b flat g sharp is the same ol' guy, just with a guitar.. " What connects me to punk rock? Yes, in General life.. And music Hobbies. Doing percussion, and I want to knock harder, louder and exclusively in this style. What is characteristic for punks from food? Something simple and uncomplicated, but today we have on the table will be a surprise - punk the more he will produce their own meat than buy it in the store. We have extracted the most that neither is true, ROE deer while hunting on the don. "The culinary range of tastes" dishes from the leg of the deer is very rich - in fact, the ROE deer is most similar to lamb but lamb shanks I have never baked it. But kosula for a second and let me tell you, incredibly delicious! Help yourself!


  • Game

    1 piece

  • Beans

    500 g

  • Leeks

    1 piece

  • Tomato

    4 piece

  • Red sweet pepper

    2 piece

  • Radishes

    2 piece

  • Walnuts

    100 g

  • Vegetable oil

  • Garlic

  • Pepper Cayenne

  • Nutmeg

  • Rosemary

  • Black pepper

  • Salt

  • Olive oil


Pour beans with water overnight. The next morning boil in salted water for 1.5 hours.
Kosulu leg start to prepare in advance a little grease it with olive oil, then RUB with salt, pepper, rosemary, wrap in foil and leave overnight in the fridge. Next - trade. The expandable foil, preheat the oven to 220 degrees. On the grill place the leg internal side up. Under the grill - pan with hot water. After 10 minutes, the leg must be turned. Another 10 - to reduce the temperature of the oven to 180 degrees and bake, without touching, for the required time. Time to count so the 1 hour per 1 lb + 20 minutes. It took me 3 hours. Water the foot is not necessary, it does not need to touch. After pulled from the oven - 30 minutes wrap it in foil.
Meanwhile, beat the tomatoes in a blender, puree.
In skillet, heat vegetable oil, put the boiled beans, chopped leeks (white part), pour the tomato puree, add salt, pepper, Cayenne, nutmeg and dried garlic. Simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes, at the end add the chopped walnuts.
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