Very interesting and delicious soup, good for diversity, and on other days, especially with the addition of sour cream and indispensable during Lent, even in the most stringent days - because it does not contain even vegetable oil. For me this soup was a revelation - an unusual combination of ingredients and interesting flavor. It looks very modest, but the taste - very much. The recipe for this dish was posted on the website in 2008 by user Samaria under the name of "Vegetable soup with beans and mushrooms" and is illustrated with me in the framework of "Coloring".
1 cup
4 piece
1 piece
300 g
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
My beans have been frozen. She was previously boiled - I always cook beans a lot of use, the rest frozen. As needed take out and use is very convenient and a huge time saver. If You have dry beans, need to soak for about 5 hours (or overnight) and boil until tender.
The mushrooms clean and slice quite finely.
Onions also peel and cut into small cubes.
Peel the potatoes, cut into fairly large cubes. All add to the pot.
Add water (I got 1 liter), bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are done. Instead of water, use a mushroom broth soup will be even more pronounced mushroom taste and aroma. I remembered later about the frozen broth in the freezer that was left from under the marinating mushrooms...
When the potato is cooked, take the pan off the heat, add about 3/4 of the beans and mash contents of saucepan with a potato masher. With mushrooms and onions, nothing happens, and potatoes and beans turn into a puree that we need. Add whole beans (pending), return the soup on the fire, salt, pepper to taste, bring to the boil and cook for a few minutes.
Add the chopped greens and give the soup to steep (5-10 minutes). The greens can not add - in my opinion, she kind of killed the flavor and aroma that is mushroom soup. So - at will.
I liked to serve this soup spicy lavalike [url=]lavalike[/url] Bon appetit!
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