
Real Irish coffee
What could be better than a Cup of fragrant, hot coffee on the coldest winter day or in the evening? Give this recipe to my friend Irina (irina1702), a big fan of coffee. We are familiar with her from school, we worked together, lived in the same house, travel a lot. Recently she had to move to another city, but every time I come, she always comes to visit us. Unfortunately, she is not very active boy (what to do - work...), but she always keeps the life of our website, supports and cares for me and of course, amazing cooks!


  • Coffee natural

    80 ml

  • Whiskey

    40 ml

  • Brown sugar

    1 tsp

  • Cream

    30 ml


Let's warm the glass for coffee, filling it with boiling water (so that later, when we ignite the mixture, the glass does not burst). The right glass has a stem which allows the drink to stay hot longer.
Brew the coffee. Better to take the Arabica medium grind.
Pour a glass of water, wipe it and put sugar.
Then pour the Irish whiskey (at home either one is fine) and stir so that the sugar is slightly dissolved. Then the mixture ignites, this time it will dissolve and acquire a caramel flavor. The whiskey also change slightly, becoming softer. Photo of a burning whiskey I did not work - the light was not visible through the wall of glass.
Extinguish the burning whiskey and pour in a glass of coffee.
Whisk in the cream. Gently spread whipped cream on top of the drink. The temperature difference will keep them on the surface.
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