
Baking powder
The other day I called a girlfriend and asked for the recipe for a delicious cracker that I was treated in the country of their guests. I started to list the ingredients and as soon as I got to the baking powder, I heard: "No, I bake these cookies I will not!" My question is: "Why?" Tanya replied, "but where I can find baking powder?!" I told Tatiana how to make it at home. Decided to lay out for beginners this recipe. This recipe I learned in high school on the lessons of labour.


  • Soda

    25 g

  • Citric acid

    15 g

  • Flour

    60 g


This is what you need. Soda and citric acid are the main ingredients. The starch can be potato or corn flour is also not necessarily rice.
Take the scales and weighed the right amount of citric acid. Pour in a dry and airtight jar.
Add in the balance flour (any), starch (which is)and even powdered sugar. The total number should be 60 grams. You can have more than one flour or starch. Pour in a jar of citric acid.
Now weigh the desired amount of soda. Also put in a jar and mix everything thoroughly. Our baking powder is ready!
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