
Soft drinks of a large variety. But once the recipe is in the heat of summer does not hurt. Moreover, that is the signature recipe of the restaurant "the Aquarium&a mp;quot;, which is located in our Seaside capital of Vladivostok.


  • The juice of a freshly squeezed

    250 ml

  • Juice

    100 ml

  • Mineral water

    500 ml

  • Sugar

    3 Tbsp

  • Ice

  • Orange

    1 piece


To make lemonade, we need the berry syrup in the original recipe was the blueberry, although the chef said that can be any on request. Can take the finished syrup, but I suggest to cook it themselves. I made the syrup from the cherries. Cherry squeeze juice (about 100 ml) using a juicer, add sugar, I also Packed some grapes and dark sweet cherries for color.
Bring syrup to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes on a slow fire, to the solution a little Uvarov. Give the syrup to cool.
Take in equal proportions oranges and tangerines, my, I had one orange and three little Mandarin, and prepare fresh juice using the juicer.
In a jar or other convenient container pour freshly squeezed juice from the citrus and add the cooled syrup.
Add cold sparkling mineral water in the ratio 1 to 2.
Orange cut into thin circles and add to the lemonade. Put the ice.
Lemonade is served cold. All the best to You!
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