Soft drinks of a large variety. But once the recipe is in the heat of summer does not hurt. Moreover, that is the signature recipe of the restaurant "the Aquarium&a mp;quot;, which is located in our Seaside capital of Vladivostok.
The juice of a freshly squeezed
250 ml
100 ml
500 ml
3 Tbsp
1 piece
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To make lemonade, we need the berry syrup in the original recipe was the blueberry, although the chef said that can be any on request. Can take the finished syrup, but I suggest to cook it themselves. I made the syrup from the cherries. Cherry squeeze juice (about 100 ml) using a juicer, add sugar, I also Packed some grapes and dark sweet cherries for color.
Bring syrup to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes on a slow fire, to the solution a little Uvarov. Give the syrup to cool.
Take in equal proportions oranges and tangerines, my, I had one orange and three little Mandarin, and prepare fresh juice using the juicer.
In a jar or other convenient container pour freshly squeezed juice from the citrus and add the cooled syrup.
Add cold sparkling mineral water in the ratio 1 to 2.
Orange cut into thin circles and add to the lemonade. Put the ice.
Lemonade is served cold. All the best to You!
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