
Fritters nepoluchitsya baking
This recipe I suggest to adjust the "black" kitchen experiments when nothing else cakes to save can not.


  • The cake

    1 piece

  • Milk

    125 ml

  • Yogurt

    200 ml

  • Flour

    1.5 cup

  • Sugar

    3 Tbsp

  • Vegetable oil

  • Chicken egg

    2 piece

  • Salt

  • Soda slaked vinegar

    1 tsp


Measure out 125 ml of milk or water and drop in the liquid as much nepoluchitsya baking, how much you want to milk/water it is completely covered. Leave for a few hours to baking completely limp. I in this case was the soggy bread, I soaked it in the water.
In a blender, whisk it into a "weakling" and put in a bowl.
Add 200 ml of kefir (yogurt), 2 eggs. Sugar - see for yourself: if your pastries were sweet, it may not be necessary. The same with salt. My bread was unsweetened so I added sugar 2 tbsp. Salt was not added at all.
Mix and add 1.5 cups of flour. Knead the dough, as for pancakes. If it pustovato a little, add a little liquid. If the watery bit of flour. In the end introduced 1 tsp. slaked soda. Leave the dough still for 20-30 minutes as usual, then fry pancakes in vegetable oil on both sides until zolotisty.
It turns out that much of the finished fritters from this quantity of dough. They go in flight! P. S. it is Not necessary to enlighten their home, what they cooked... Let them be happy delicious cooking!
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