Soups we don't like, but for my daughter they have to cook, that I remembered a soup that my mother often cooked in my childhood. We called him "kalmychkova". In fact, Salma is dumplings in the form of shells. To make soup I will not teach, as every cook knows. Will acquaint with national cuisine. Help yourself!!!
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It is our products, which we will prepare a normal dough balls (dumplings).
Flour always take "the eye". Eggs put 2, because I thought they were small. Eggs-store, ugly *JOKINGLY*. Add warm salt water - the amount necessary for kneading dough uncool. The dough should stick to hands. If eggs will be more or the dough is too tight, will eat stone sulmicki *JOKINGLY*.
The dough in plastic film, put into the fridge.
Periodically, as with any dough, abenaim it.
Seasoned, smooth dough cut into strips to roll the sausage with a diameter of about 1 cm.
Otsimisel the sausage into a piece of dough about the size of a thumb nail.
And rolled him on the Board (table) with the thumb, turning the dough into the shell.
Shells should be cut into flour.
Sift sulmicki. This I have, like, a sieve :-[ .
And throw in the boiling broth. Cooking sulmicki until tender you need 7-10 minutes. When cooked, they increase in size by about half.
I sometimes these Salma and Borschik throw for satiety *OK* . Clickby the soup is ready!!
As you can see, the recipe is pretty simple, so don't blame me. Just sharing national recipes :).
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