The recipe comes from an old but authoritative book.
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For it is a classic recipe found here in this book. Wonderful book! Beginning to master. Here it is. Let me remind you where -
Well. First of all, to summarize a long-standing dispute that extends to vygryzaniya liver and tearing out his Adam's Apple of the opponent. This book, according to people respected and knowledgeable, is a cult in almost every Georgian family. So, the recipes that they published, not that other as AUTHORITATIVE sources. Here we see that GRUB can be prepared from beef... and lamb... and even birds. And soup from this nearco does not become and remain so. So, KHARCHO of lamb has the right to be quite authentic. What proof on page nine of this book. "Soup kharcho of lamb or beef (B)" ... so it says. Preparing for the proposed "notes". Cook the broth. I took everything that had accumulated in the freezer in a package labeled "LAMB for all of the broths". The broth is rich and rather greasy. And take out all the bone broth contents.
And iterate. The bones are... well, clean to the bone. The meat is cut into or torn, this is how it goes, into small pieces and put it aside.
Fig. For the amount that we need (the proportions in the recipe is all there) we take about half a Cup. Very good wash and soak, also put aside.
Though the recipe is talking about tomato paste, I dared to use the tomato bed...
... washed, cut, filled with boiling water for a minute...
... and cleaned, finely chopped. By the way, pay attention to the knife. And inexpensive, and works great.
Greens. A little parsley, cilantro and dill. Small chop. Garlic – pounded. All put in a bowl, you can mix and also a side to infuse.
Onion. Little, but without fanaticism, nroblem.
Spices. Here along with recommended I set a little expanded. First, I took a tablespoon of the mixture for the soup and kharcho, which I did Abdullo. Very flavorful and a little spicy. Tea, no slides, spoons, and Ocho and Khmeli suneli. The same dose nikujaga red pepper and almost a full tablespoon of dried tomatoes. And a few peas of black pepper and fragrant white. Yes, a couple (I have got they're small) lavrushku. Well, salt, of course.
Here. Begin cooking. Dilute the flame under the pot.
Collect the fat from surface of broth in pot it. There and onions. Simmer the onions for fifteen minutes. Of course, have to add more broth. With fire do not overdo it – there is a danger to burn the onion.
Then into the pot go the tomatoes. I then could not resist. Have sebotol mixture for the first. And, a little stirring, simmer another fifteen minutes.
Strain the broth well and pour into the pot. And meat also there sent. And then bring to the boil.
How is boiling, so once in pot pour the rice. Three or four spoonfuls. More is not necessary. Risk mess to. The flame under the pot should be reduced to... well, to in the pot was boiling on the verge of exhaustion. Or Vice versa, as you prefer.
Twenty minutes later comes the turn of spices and five greens.
Stir and allow to poboltatj slegontsa more minutes no more than ten.
Then. Cover with a lid. Vygreba from under the pot the fire, leave small Poleski and allow to stand for fifteen minutes, if hold with a tangy fragrances. And... please pour carefully, eat slowly. Angel you for a meal!
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