If you like to chat with friends, inviting them to her house, cook for them that the ladies naliwajko. I assure you friend will be happy and, of course, ask for the recipe. PS: the Brandy is well kept at home until next season berries!
2 cup
600 g
2 l
1 l
2 handful
30 g
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Two cups berries, rinsed under cold boiled water. Berry can be of any to your taste - strawberry, apricot, currant, raspberry, cherry, cranberry, dogwood. I have a berry mix of raspberries, red and black currant.
Cherry leaves rinse in cold boiled water.
In a pan put cherry leaves and berries meats.
Add sugar unrefined cane Mistral Universal.
Pour in the water. A pot is put on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and boil for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool completely.
The cooled berry syrup strain through two layers of cheesecloth, taking care not to mash berries.
In the berry syrup add the citric acid.
Pour in the vodka. Mix well. And bottling. In a day it is already possible to try. I recommend prior to use naliwajko good cooling.
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