
Chicken salad with
Quick, juicy, light and delicious warm salad. In explanation of Thai cuisine. Preparing easy, suitable for family lunch, dinner, and guests to please you.


  • Chicken fillet

    300 g

  • Pepper

    0.5 piece

  • Cucumber

    3 piece

  • Tomato

    1 piece

  • Cabbage

    2 slice

  • Onion

    1 piece

  • Garlic

    2 tooth

  • Chili

    0.5 piece

  • Coriander

    0.3 tsp

  • Adjika

    0.5 tsp

  • Sesame

    0.5 tsp


The Jasmine rice boil in boiling salted water 15 minutes.
Chicken (I fillet from the hip home chicken) cut lengthwise into thin stripes, add salt, mix with prepared spicy hot sauce ( to taste and optional). Adzhika you can instead use your favorite spices. Leave to marinate for 5 minutes (while you cut the vegetables).
Three small cucumber cut into lengthwise strips.
Half peppers cut into thin lengthwise. Optionally, you can use the whole pepper.
The tomato in half lengthwise, freed from seeds and cut into strips. I have a tomato yellow.
From Chinese cabbage cut thick and this part (thick part) as well shinkuem strips. The remaining green part tear hands to pieces and put it separately.
Take plastic bag, put in it the cucumbers, bell peppers and chopped white part of Chinese cabbage. Salt to taste (a small pinch of salt) and a little sugar ( pinch). The package is closed and beats it against the table. You can just shake the pack well with your hands. Leave it to the vegetables, let the juice.
Here you can see how the vegetables pickled in salt and their own juice. In our package you can add a little balsamic vinegar.
Leave the vegetables to marinate and do the chicken. Olive (vegetable) oil fry the chicken and roughly chopped onion for 7-10 minutes, until the chicken is cooked. If you use chicken breast, reduce the time to 5 minutes.
The chicken's ready, put it on a dish.
Vegetables from the package folded on the breast, put chopped garlic, a slice of chili pepper and crushed coriander. If you don't like cilantro - don't put it. Heats the oil in a pan (vegetable or olive), about 2 tbsp, and pour on the garlic and spices.
Add the chopped tomato and the green part from Chinese cabbage. Stir, top I slightly drizzled with olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds. For a side dish served with rice. It turns out juicy, hearty and delicious. Prepares much faster than the recipe describes. Just, ingredients available, looks great on the table. Prepare this salad, treat yourself and your guests - nobody will remain indifferent.
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