Hi all. Of apples this year a good harvest and so necessary as it is to recycle them. One of the ways to make Apple wine, and then the whole thing overtake twice. For the gifted, I heard about "Calvados, only in a barrel, only with cider," etc. nonsense. Call it Apple moonshine or whatever you heart desires, is not the point. The result is important. Outrageously simple, but long. And so for the preparation of Calvados, we need, from the calculation of 10 l wine:
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
16 kg. Pepin saffron. The apples must be good, no rot.
A working tool of proletariat.
The separation of the pulp from the juice.
The foam is also removed.
The output is pure juice.
Dissolve sugar in Apple juice, add a tremor and put under water seal in 30-45 days.
The process goes on, bubbling fun.
33 days have passed, begin the stretch.
The result after double distilled. Dilute with clean water to the desired degree.
Enjoy. In the morning he drank, all day.))
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