A protein-rich oatmeal scrambled eggs - a wonderful option for a hearty Breakfast. Fragrant, to taste something resembling a pizza. The whole family can enjoy. Both adults and children. Done quickly and simply. If the evening to chop the vegetables and mix the dry ingredients in the morning, you will need just a few minutes on cooking. You can experiment using different combinations of vegetables and spices according to your taste.
0.5 piece
0.5 piece
0.5 piece
0.5 piece
0.5 piece
1 sprig
35 g
1 pinch
1 pinch
0.333 tsp
3 Tbsp
2 piece
2 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Wash, peel and dice the vegetables. In order to easily peel tomato skin, it is necessary for 5 minutes pour boiling water, and then rinse with cold water. Finely chop the parsley.
Hercules grind into flour.
Add turmeric, oregano and salt.
Pour in the milk and stir with a fork.
Break the eggs into a bowl and stir with a fork until smooth, slightly foamy.
Heat the oil in a frying pan, set to medium heat and pour egg mixture.
Mix all the prepared vegetables
Distribute them on top of the egg mass and slightly press with a spatula or a spatula.
Omelette fast enough "grab". Once the bottom is Golden, flip. This is done easily since the mass becomes plastic. I use a double pan.
Slightly reduce heat and cook until the second side of the omelette is cooked through completely.
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