Forgive me for the simplicity but even in such a simple dish is in the preparation of its features. And the dish is hearty, delicious And sometimes you want something such. And who loves the omelets, another option
2 tsp
3 Tbsp
6 piece
500 g
3 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Potato peel, cut plastics
In frying pan heat vegetable oil, put potatoes. And fry until the bottom Golden brown. NOT INTERFERE, do NOT add SALT (you get the feeling that the smell of fried potatoes, it is time to interrupt)
Stir gently, as if turning over. Close the lid, extinguish the fire and cook under a lid for 10 minutes
Meanwhile, combine eggs + sour cream + mustard + salt and stir. But do NOT MIX (If you mix with a mixer then stir at low speed)
The form that will make the omelet, brush with oil and sprinkle with grated cheese
Our potatoes are almost ready, put into the form
While pan is hot, fry in it the sliced brisket plastics
Potatoes pour eggs. Spread on top of the brisket. Sprinkle with herbs and bake it in the oven for 20 minutes.
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