
Aubergine paste
Honestly reviewing all the recipes caviar from eggplant, can in good conscience offer You my version of cooking. Please do not judge strictly, this is the first recipe that I decided to put. As for the photos I apologize in advance... I'm not nice to take pictures... ( ( (


  • Eggplant

    1 kg

  • Tomato

    1 kg

  • Onion

    0.5 kg

  • Pepper

    0.5 kg

  • Carrots

    0.2 kg

  • Parsley

    5 coup

  • Salt

    1 tsp

  • Vinegar essence

    0.5 tsp


Here is a list of our vegetables. (No oil, greens, salt and vinegar). Vegetable wash, clean. (I do not peel the eggplant).
Tomatoes pour over boiling water, remove them with the cloth and remove the butt)
Next, cut our eggplants lengthwise, then each half crosswise. In principle, as you prefer. The main thing that was coarsely chopped. Heat a little oil in the pan and on high heat fry the eggplant on both sides. We do not need to achieve full readiness, we need only to skumanich vegetables. Put the fried eggplants in a bowl, let cool potihonku.
Next, cut the onion and bell pepper into 2 halves, carrots on sticks, but big. And similarly, all of the fry. Remember, we need a strong fire and only the color!
Cut greens, but not too small. Tomatoes (we have them not fried), eggplant, onions, peppers, carrots and greens grind in a blender. Put in a container in which we cook. Carefully stir and put on fire. Simmer on low heat for about an hour. (I stew for 40 minutes, t, to I love it when vegetables are a little crunchy). Do not forget to periodically stirring so as not burnt. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, oil (if we're not all used for frying vegetables), vinegar.
Spread on sterile banks (I just douse them with boiling water), roll up sterile lids (boil 5 minutes). Banks are ready to wrap up in a blanket until they are completely cool (I got under the covers they already have 2 days there).
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