
Ajioka - my version
America will not open, but his version of adjika share. Maybe someone will like it. Make it in 2 versions: one half sweet, the second is the smoke coming out of your ears. Eaten with great pleasure and she and the other whom you like.


  • Tomato

    6 kg

  • Sweet pepper

    1 kg

  • Carrots

    1 kg

  • Onion

    1 kg

  • Apple

    1 kg

  • Garlic

    400 g

  • Chili

    2 piece

  • Vegetable oil

    1 l

  • Sugar

    200 g

  • Salt

    100 g


All the ingredients washed, cut and scrolled in a meat grinder. Garlic – separately – and have not yet touched. This poresku cook for about 3 hours, it should be, then add salt, sugar, garlic, sunflower oil and cook for another 30 min Roll up into sterilized jars, turn over, wrap it up – how cool that is sent to storage.
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