Delicious, reasonably sharp and satisfying! The brightness of taste is secured.
1 cup
1 piece
1 piece
200 g
2 tooth
1 piece
350 g
2 Tbsp
1 piece
1.5 l
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Water do not add salt to the beans cook faster and retains its color.
Onion cut into cubes, carrots to grate. Fry in vegetable oil
Put the chopped bell pepper, also lightly fry, saute a minute and add the tomato paste with chili pepper. Mix well.
and simmer for another 2 minutes. Add the grated garlic.
When the beans are almost ready, add potatoes cut into cubes.
When the potato is cooked, add tomato sauté.
Season with salt and pepper. Add chopped herbs, crushed garlic and Laurel.
Mix well. Let stand. 10 minutes later Lavrushka to pull out.
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