Goulash (Hun. gulyás, guys) is the national dish of Hungarians: slices of beef or veal stewed with smoked bacon, onions, peppers (capsicum) and potatoes. The dish belongs to the category of thick soups. Initially, the soup with various additives were traditional food of the Hungarian shepherds and were prepared in boilers at the stake. We cook it in the pan Zepter more useful, without frying, no greasy ingredients and without a drop of water.
500 g
5 piece
1 piece
3 piece
5 tooth
4 piece
0.5 coup
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Prepare the ingredients. Potato, onion and garlic clean and wash. Peppers and tomatoes wash. From tomatoes to remove the skin at will.
Onion cut into half rings, put on the bottom of the pan Zepter.
Spread on top coarsely chopped tomatoes.
Pepper cut into strips, half of the total weight put on the tomatoes.
Next layer potatoes, chopped arbitrarily.
For potatoes put the chicken slices. Sprinkle the top with spices. I used a mixture of peppers. Spread on top cut into slices garlic.
The last layer is the remaining bell pepper. Nothing more to add don't need no water, no butter, no salt. Cover with a lid, put on the minimum fire and leave for an hour.
In an hour... When serving, sprinkle with herbs.
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