Varied vegetarian menu that is extremely nutritious and healthy dish. With hints of the East...
400 g
600 ml
50 ml
3 piece
2 piece
2 piece
2 tsp
0.5 tsp
0.5 tsp
0.5 tsp
0.5 tsp
0.5 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Peas rinse and soak for 1-1. 5 hours. Then pour cold water and cook over low heat until soft, but NOT podsalivaya. I cooked in the casserole.
Potatoes, carrots, onions clean, rinse. Potatoes and onions cut into cubes, carrots grate on a coarse grater.
Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the spices and fry for 30 SECONDS
Then add the carrots, onion and fry on a slow fire until soft.
When peas is almost ready, add the potatoes (diced), carrot, onion with spices, add salt and cook until tender. (If necessary add a little water)
Hot porridge can be served as a separate dish or with fish. Bon appetit!!!
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