
Flowers of pepper
Powerade, I want to share with you a very original presentation of dishes. These flowers I've seen in the net. But recently we were in a cafe and next to the tables was some sort of Banquet. Now, brought to three large meals. In the middle of each stood a vase. And it has a lot of colors of pepper and lots of greenery. Around this vase on a platter, lay sliced cucumbers and tomatoes. As it looked nice from the outside, just can not describe. The impression that the flowers were not from the pepper, but real. I could not resist and came looked (well, the tables were still covered). But to do that is not difficult.


  • Pepper

  • Greens


Take the pepper, clean it and my.
Then cut into rings. Rings are of different size. Not only rings cut thin, because we will need to thread the skewer.
Now shape the flower.
And gently pierce the pepper with a skewer.
That's all ready. Can be submitted in the form of a bouquet with greenery. And can decorate a dish. Very well, this penis suited to this dish . Of course, the pepper I have is not as bright and beautiful as was in the cafe, but it is your own, which I grew up.
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