Delicious, hearty, with a slight nutty flavor soup - help yourself!
0.5 cup
1 l
0.25 cup
1 piece
1 piece
2 Tbsp
3 piece
1 handful
1 handful
1 handful
1 handful
3 piece
15 piece
2 tooth
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Put on the stove water. Salt. And when it boils, throw the rice and boil until soft. ************* Cut the onion into cubes and carrots RUB on a grater.
Sauté the vegetables in vegetable oil. Pour 1/3 Cup of water, slightly put out.
Release nuts from the shell (should be 0.5 cups) and place in the bowl of the grinder.
Chop and add to sauté along
with tomato paste. Grind, bring to a boil and after 2 minutes turn off the heat.
Potatoes cut into cubes and when the rice is half ready, add to the broth.
Cut meat and sausages into strips and
when the potatoes will be ready (figure by that time too), add to the broth.
Also add diced cucumbers,
sauté. Mix well. Bring to the boil and after a minute turn off the heat.
Put in a hodgepodge chopped greens and garlic. Let stand.
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