In early March I the second time became a mother. And in addition to the beloved "the Boy& amp;quot; I signed up for several "mamsky&am p;quot; sites. Culinary column, I, of course, are there. The recipe for this drink is originally from "Country mom" by nikisha. Drink recipes from the orange, of course, is on the site. But... this is much easier prepared and no chemicals (except citric acid) and heat treatment! I don't like store-bought orange juice, but this drink is drink it with pleasure. 4 oranges get 9 liters. And a bonus orange marmalade!
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Well there you go ;-). Here are the products we need.
And sugar. The water did not take pictures ;-).
Oranges thoroughly wash and pour over boiling water. Then cut into small pieces to make it easier to grind.
Grind the meat grinder or blender. Add 3 liters of cold boiled water, stir and leave for 10 minutes. Then strain first through sieve and then through cheesecloth into 5-6 layers.
Add 1 kg of sugar and 30 g of citric acid, stir. Add 6 litres of cold boiled water, stir and pour into bottles. In an hour you can drink :-P.
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