The basis was taken the soup Alia (Alefniunia), but husband's soups with no potatoes and a roast not very fond of, so I had to make adjustments, and it turned out mouth-watering soup. Alia, is dedicated to you...
2.5 l
1 piece
6 Tbsp
400 g
1 piece
1 piece
1 Tbsp
1 Tbsp
100 g
1.5 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Egg rasputyvat with a fork and begin to pour 1 tbsp semolina.
When I see a thick mass on the table sprinkle a little semolina and knead dough.
Let the dough for about five minutes to lie on the table and rubbed, holding the grater the weight, the wide surface (one layer below the grated mass is not stuck). The soup cook in the usual way: the broth put sliced potatoes, and sauteed onions and carrots, then pour the prepared grout, allow to simmer for 10 minutes, stir, then grated cheese, salt, cook on medium heat for 5-10 minutes to dissolve the cheese, add the greens, give the soup to boil and set aside.
All the soup, pour it into a plate and enjoy eating!!!
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