Do you agree with me? Who doesn't like mushroom soup! A lot of options know! And always trust them! Dear friends, I want to share, and maybe this option will be useful? Simple and homemade, not complicated recipe! And velvet will be our delicious lunch!
500 g
2 piece
35 g
1 Tbsp
1 l
170 ml
2 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Mushrooms wash, peel, mince
Finely chop the onion, stew in the hot butter (you can also scroll to the onion along with the mushrooms, but I like this variant more like it)
Add to the onions mushrooms
Simmer stirring occasionally for 10 minutes
Then add the flour and mix
Put the mushrooms in a ready broth, boil about 3 minutes (do not forget the spices!)
Boil the eggs (after boiling, 10 minutes), peeled, cut into
Add the eggs, stir, let the soup boil and turn off
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