Very fragrant and tasty soup. Air potato gnocchi gives it a special piquancy. Try it, guys!
2 l
0.5 cup
250 g
1 piece
1 piece
4 piece
2 Tbsp
1 piece
4 Tbsp
4 Tbsp
0.5 piece
2 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Carrots three on a grater, onion finely chop and stew in vegetable oil with added water or broth until tender. Buckwheat iterate, wash and put in boiling broth.
Clean the mushrooms (I remove the skin from the cap), and cut plates. Put in the soup and cook until, when the buckwheat is almost ready. Put in soup, steamed vegetables, Bay leaf, red bell pepper, salt and your favorite seasonings.
From potatoes to cook mashed potatoes. For one Cup of sauce put the egg, cream (or sour milk) and 4 tbsp flour. Knead the dough.
With a teaspoon put the dumplings into the boiling broth and cook for 7-10 minutes on low heat until tender.
At the end of put the parsley. READY!
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