
Stuffed pancakes
The taste is simply amazing dish! A rich, gentle they conquered all of my family. Especially pleased they husband.


  • Yogurt

    2 cup

  • Milk

    150 ml

  • Flour

    300 g

  • Yeast

    5 g

  • Leavening agent

    1 tsp

  • Chicken egg

    2 piece

  • Minced meat

    150 g

  • Mushrooms

    80 g

  • Cheese

    150 g

  • Onion

    2 piece

  • Sugar

    1 Tbsp


First, make the dough. In warm milk add sugar and yeast SAF-MOMENT, mix and leave to stand for 10 minutes.
In a pot for kneading, pour the yogurt, warm it up to 30 degrees, add the baking powder, egg. Pour in a container of the dough and add flour. The dough should be like on regular pancakes. Flour is different, so it is better to first pour a glass, stir. And if need be add more.
Begin to bake, they rise very lush. We put them on the tray one at a time - not slide. Wait until cool down.
For the filling, we fry the onion, mushrooms and mince. Three cheese, mix all together.
Cut pancakes and stuff.
Spread in the pan and put on 10 minutes in a preheated 220 degree oven.
Fragrant, delicate pancakes soaked in cheese, mushrooms, meat and onions are ready!
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