
Pie pita
How nice to wait for a loved one from work) It's inspiring. On some website I saw the recipe, but with a different filling I decided to change. And that's what happened, as my mother said "I Decided to eat a piece, but when I started there, I understood that you eat, and second"


  • Minced meat

    300 g

  • Soft cheese

    300 g

  • Pita

    5 piece

  • Sour cream

    2 cup

  • Spices

  • Bow white

    1 piece

  • Carrots

    1 piece

  • Chicken egg

    2 piece


Finely chop the onion. And fry it
Grate carrots and also add to the pan
Fry the minced meat, add salt. Then carrots and onions. All deep fried together.
Grate cheese and divide into two parts
Mix sour cream, eggs and spices
Put into the form (greased with oil) pita bread, a single sheet, so that the edges hang off the form. Thoroughly lubricated sour cream mixture, every crease. Put another sheet across the first and again greased all the sour cream.
1. Half of the minced meat put into the form 2. close the hanging edges one pita bread and brush with sour cream mixture 3. then spread cheese 4. again close the edges of the second pita and lubricated with blend 5. next lay out the second part of the meat 6. tearing the remains of the pita bread dipping in sour cream and spread on top of the pita evenly 7. spread cheese, 8. on top we put torn, crumpled pita bread soaked in sour cream. 9. Sprinkle the top with sesame seeds. Put in a preheated 180 degree oven, where half an hour, have Browning of our cake, because everything inside is ready.
Bon appetit! Love and understanding!
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