Very nutritious, wholesome lemonade. I read that the British had once prescribed it as a medicine. I advise you to try it, with a slight aroma of grain, can be both acute and sweet, with the scent of lemon. Quenches thirst and gives warmth.
0.75 cup
2 piece
0.5 cup
6 cup
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
For lemonade, we need barley. On her broth, and we make lemonade. I take "barley" from the Mistral.
I make with honey, but it is as you like, you can add sugar syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water, boil the water and dissolve the sugar). You can grate 1cm piece of ginger.
Put barley in a sieve and rinse under water.
With lemons cut zest, only the yellow part.
In a saucepan pour water, add zest and barley.
Bring to boil, lower the heat to low and cook, covered, 15 minutes.
While cooking the broth. From lemons to squeeze the juice, I had large lemons, I had enough juice from 1,5 lemon.
After the broth is cooked, strain. (Cereal is not thrown away, so I zest cut with a knife to make it easier to sort out from the grits, add water and boil until cooked, it turns a side dish of grits with lemon.)
Add honey and lemon juice, mix well.
You can drink both hot and cold.
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