
This kebab husband cooked on the festive table in honor of my birthday. Excellent get the kebab - soft, juicy, delicious. Invite, come on in.


  • Pork

    3 kg

  • Onion

    10 piece

  • Brew

    300 ml

  • Soy sauce

    0.333 cup

  • Spices

    4 Tbsp


Wash the meat, cut into large chunks. Bow clean, cut rings. Sprinkle the meat with spices in a separate bowl (do NOT add SALT). In a pan (in which to marinate the meat - I have 5 litres) put layers of meat - onions. Does not have much RAM. In a Cup mix the yeast and soy sauce. Pour on top of meat. 3-4 places a finger to make punctures to sauce evenly soaked meat. Leave for 3 hours. Will be ready yet the coals in the grill it will take some time. We have in General the meat was marinated for 4 hours. Strung on Emporiki and fry.
Juicy, tender, flavorful.
In addition to pork we grilled chicken thighs on the grill and the fish pelengasa. Pelengas to clean, remove the entrails, cut into pieces in the thickness 1,5 - 2 see Add seasoning for fish, squeeze the lemon juice, chopped lemon peel (also add), soy sauce, sliced onion, mix well. After 2 hours you can cook on the grill is a fairy tale, you can eat with lips.
Here such at me was the occasion. Bon APPETIT!
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